AQA A2 Sociology- New Criminology/Neo-Marxism Theory of Crime

  • Created by: EmK123
  • Created on: 11-06-16 15:32
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  • New Criminology/Neo-Marxism
    • Taylor: fully social theory of deviance
      • Trace the wider origins of deviance to structural relationships and inequalities
      • Understand the immediate origins of deviant acts to see how a persons acts are related to their circumstances
      • The act itself- what the act means to that person
      • Immediate origins of society's reaction- how people directly involvd react to the act
      • Wider origins of society's reaction- how the rest of society react e.g. label it as deviant
      • Effects of labelling- does it lead to deviance amplification
    • Gilroy- Myth of black criminality
      • Crimes by minorities are political
      • He rejects idea that crime is due to poor socialisation, groups are defending themselves from a racist and unjust society.
      • He rejects idea that minorities are prone to be criminals- its the police's racist stereotypes.
      • Rastafarianism allowed the west Indians to organise themselves politically- they see white society as corrupt and oppressive so they aim to overthrow it and create a heaven on Earth.
      • Evaluation
        • Most 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants don't identify with anti-colonial struggles- many see themselves as British.
        • He doesn't explain black on black crime.
    • Hall- Moral Panics
      • Capitalism ruled by consenus but at times of a crisi this is difficult.
      • A media driven moral panic about mugging distracted people from the true problem- a capitalist crisis.
      • The moral panic was used to divide the W/C on racial grounds which would weaken their opposition to capitalism.
      • Evaluation
        • Downes and Rock- He contradicts himself, he says crime is due to unemployment and racist policing.
        • Young- here isn't any evidence of people panicking about mugging or identify blacks with it.


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