Neural mechanisms in eating and satiation

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  • neural mechanisms in eating and satiation
    • AO1:Homeos-tatis there are two systems invovled in controlling eating
      • The ventromedial hypathalamus (VMH)
        • initiatiates satiation when there are high glucose levels
        • damage to VMH causes hyperphagia (over eating) and stimulating it inhibits eating
          • A02: damaging VMH also damages paraventricul-ar node which is now belived to cause hyperphagia.
      • The lateral hypthalamus (LH)
        • Makes you hungry when glucose levels drop
        • damge to LH in rats caused lack of eating(aphagia) stimulating LH elicits feeding behaviour
          • NPY: neutransmitter Y is belived to cause obesity.
            • Wickens: when injected inot rats caused to to begin feeding even when satiated
            • Stanley Et al: injected rats with NPY which caused obesity in a matter of days.
          • A03 Reductionist damage to LH causes deficits in other aspects of behaviour not just hunger. hunger is also controlled by neuaral circuits running through the brain
    • AO1 Glucose Glucose levels drop activates the LH. While an increase results the the VMH being activated
    • AO1- Cognitive factors. Amygdal and the inferior prefrontal cortex
      • role of the Amygdala was the selection of foods based on previous experiances.
        • Rolls and Rolls found by removing the amgdala in rats caused them to consume both novel and familiar foods whearas initially they avoided novel foods.
      • the role of the prefrontal cortex is to recieve messages from olfactory bulb damages=less sensory information=  less eating
  • A03:- deterministic does not consider other factors ed. cultural differences


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