Negative effects of climate change

  • Created by: Ellie R
  • Created on: 03-06-13 17:11
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  • Negative Effects of Climate Change
    • Melting ice in the Artic could cause the Gulf Stream to be diverted further south.
      • This will lead to colder temperatures in western Europe, matching the temperatures found across the Atlantic in Labrador at the present time.
    • Temperatures are frequently below 0 degrees Celsius in the winter with averages of 8-10 degrees Celsius in July, which is 10 degrees Celsius cooler than the average UK summer temperatures.
    • Glacier National Park, Montana, USA was created in 1910.
    • At this time there were 150 glaciers.
      • Since then the number has decreased to 30.
    • It is predicted that within 30 years most if not all of the park's glaciers will disappear.
    • Research published in 2007 by the Met Office's Hadley Centre for Climate Change, showed that between 1993 and 2006 sea levels rose 3.3mm a year.
      • This will lead to an 88cm rise in sea levels by the end of the century.
    • Tanzania and Mozambique will have longer periods of drought and shorter growing seasons.
      • They could lose almost a third of their maize crop.
    • Rising sea levels will threaten large areas of low-lying coastal land including major world cities such as London.
    • In India there will be a 50% decrease in the amount of land available to grow wheat. This is due to hotter and drier weather.
    • Due to rising sea levels, Tuvalu (a group of nine coral atolls in the Pacific Ocean) has started to evacuate its population to New Zealand, with 75 people moving away each year.
    • Two of the Kiribati Islands are now covered with the sea.
    • Bangladesh suffers from coastal flooding. Experts say if the sea level goes up by 1m, Bangladesh will lose 17.5% of its land.
    • There has been a loss of sea ice due to climate change. This is a problem for polar bears of Wrangel Island, a Russian nature reserve, because they cannot travel overland to catch prey (food).
    • In Kenya, droughts now happen every 3 years instead of every 10 years. In 2006 Kenya suffered its worst drought in 80 years and many farmers lost all of their cattle.
    • Research has shown that 90% of the glaciers in Antartica are retreating.
    • In the UK, different crops can be grown such as bananas, due to rising temperatures.


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