Life Cycle of a Star

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  • NEBULA - stars initially form from a cloud of dust and gas
    • PROTOSTAR - gravity pulls the dust and gas together. The temp rises as the star gets denser and more particles collide. Hydrogen nuclei undergo nuclear fusion to form helium nuclei
      • MAIN SEQUENCE STAR - stable period that lasts several billion years
        • RED SUPERGIANT- if it is a large star. Fusion of helium + elements (up to iron) are formed
          • SUPERNOVA - more fusion takes place. Heavy elements like iron formed. Eventually star explodes in a supernova
            • NEUTRON STAR - very dense core of supernova
            • BLACK HOLE - extremely large stars can form a black hole. So dense even light cannot escape
        • RED GIANT - if it is a small star (like the sun). Fusion of helium + elements (up to iron) are formed
          • WHITE DWARF - outer layer of dust is ejected, leaving a hot, dense solid core
            • BLACK DWARF - as star cools down, it emits less energy + becomes a black dwarf


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