Nazi persecution

  • Created by: holly6901
  • Created on: 11-05-19 13:44
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  • Persecution and racial beliefs
    • Nazi racial beliefs
      • Believed to be the perfect race, the Nazis stressed the inclusivity (including as many different people as possible) of the Aryans.But this meant that those who did not fit the Aryan ideal were heavily excluded.
      • A key group who expanded the Aryan race were the ** ‘race farms’.This was when ** men would deliberately have children with Aryan women.
      • From 1933, the Nazis began a racial policy to reduce the number of these untermenschen (sub-humans) who were "degenerates".Each group was targeted to a different extent.
      • In 1936, the Nuremberg Laws banned marriage or sexual relations between Aryans and non-Aryans.Any mixed-race children were sterilised (medically operated on so they could not have children).
      • 'Undesirables'
        • Aside from these groups, there were a number of ‘undesirables’ in German society who were excluded from the Aryan vision.These ‘undesirables’ included;
        • Homosexuals
          • Sent to concentration camps to treat their ‘disorder’.
        • Disabled people
          • In 1933, the Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring was passed.After this over 300,000 disabled people were sterilised (medically operated on so they could not have children).
          • By 1939, the Nazis began to use euthanasia (intentionally ending a life) to kill those with mental and physical disabilities.
            • 100,000 people were secretly killed between 1939 and 1941.
        • Beggars
          • Sent to do hard labour
        • Socialists
        • Trade unionists
        • Prostitutes
          • Sent to concentration camps to treat their ‘disorder’.
    • Persecution of the Jews
      • Jews in Germany were often associated with communism.Many Jews were very wealthy and the Jews were blamed for the German defeat in World War One.
        • Therefore antisemitism was popular before the Nazis came into power
      • In 1933, the Nazis made it difficult for Jews to work in Germany.For example, there was a boycott on Jewish businesses.
        • In 1936, it was forbidden for Jews to be professions such as a doctor, vet, accountant, teacher or nurse.
      • In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws made anti-Semitism legal.
        • The Reich Law on Citizenship stated that Jews were no longer allowed to be German citizens and lost their rights.
        • The Reich Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour stated that Jews could not marry German citizens.
      • In 1939, Jews had to have a ‘J’ stamped on their passport and add Israel (for men) or Sarah (for women) to their name.
      • Kristallnacht and the Holocaust
        • On 9th November 1938, the Nazis staged Kristallnacht in response to a Jew assassinating a German ambassador in Paris.
          • In Kristallnacht, the ** organised a series of attacks on Jewish communities. They destroyed Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues.
        • From 1939, Jews began to be placed in ghettos. A ghetto was an area of a city solely occupied by Jews, separate from the rest of the city’s population.
        • After the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, all Jews they crossed were killed by the Einsatzgruppen (** killing squad). This led to over 1 million Jews being killed.By December 1941, Jews were being gassed at Chelmno death camp.
        • After the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, the ‘Final Solution of the Jewish Question’ was decided.
          • No one spoke out to help the Jews.Many helped the Nazis, others stood back and did nothing because either it did not affect them or they were too scared of the Nazis.
          • Many Jews and others did not know what happened at the camps. They took suitcases and bought their own train tickets to get to the death camps.


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