Nazi Germany

  • Created by: e.lliecox
  • Created on: 27-03-18 18:53
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  • Nazi Germany
    • Nazi Beliefs
      • The crisis of 1923 led Germans to turn to extreme parties.
      • 1919 - Hitler joined the Nazi Party and developed a 25 Point Programme which Hitler spoke about in Mein Kampf.
      • Lebensraum - 'living space' for German nation to expand.
      • A Strong Germany - Treaty of Versailles should be abolished and German Speakers united.
      • Social Darwinism - the Aryan race were superior and the Jews 'subhuman'
      • Autarky - Germany should be economically self sufficient.
      • Germany was in danger - from Jews and Communists who had yet to be destroyed.
    • Nazi Appeal
      • The 25 Point Programme had policies that were:
        • Socialist - farmers should be given land, pensions should improve, public industries (electricity and water) should be owned by the state.
        • Nationalist - German speaking people united in one country, Treaty of Versailles abolished.
        • Racist - Jews should not be German citizens and immigration stopped.
        • Fascist - strong central government, control over media.
      • They did not appeal to - working communist men and intellectuals (students, uni professors)
      • They appealed to nationalists, racists, farmers, lower middle class (plumbers, shop keepers), rich people worried about communist threat.
    • Nazi Propaganda
      • Joseph Goebbels
      • Nazi's used radio, mass rallies, newspapers, speeches, posters in 1920's.
      • Used crude slogans to introduce ideals and make them appeal to ordinary Germans.
    • Munich Putsch 1923
      • Hitler assembled SA to attack other political groups. He plotted with nationalist politicians - Kahr and Lossow.
      • 4th October 1923 -- Kahr and Lossow called off the rebellion. Hitler already had 3,000 SA members ready.
      • 8th November - Hitler and 600 SA burst into Kahr and Lossow meeting at a beer hall. He pointed a gun at them and forced them to agree to rebel - he then let them go.
      • SA then took over army headquarters and the offices of newspapers.
      • 9th November - Hitler and Nazis went into Munich to march and take power. Kahr had called in police and army - 16 Nazis killed. Hitler fled but was arrested 2 days later.
      • Why?
        • 1923 - Nazi party had 55,000 members and was strong.
        • Weimar in crisis, about to collapse.
        • September 1923 - Weimar called off general strike - nationalists furious.
        • Hitler hoped to copy Mussolini (came to power in Italy 1922 by marching on Rome)
      • Results
        • Nazi party banned, Hitler prevented from public speaking until 1927.
        • Hitler went to prison and decided he would have to use constitutional means.
    • Hitler's Rise to Power
      • 1929 -  American Stock Exchange collapsed cause an economic depression. America called in all its foreign loans, destroyed Weimar Germany. unemployment rose to 6 million.
      • 1928 - the Nazis had 12 seats in the Reichstag. July 1932 they had 230 seats and were the largest party.
        • Government in chaos. President Hindenburg dismissed Brüning in 1932. His replacement, Papen, lasted six months, and the next, Schleicher,  only lasted 2 months. Hindenburg had to use Article 48 to pass laws.
      • January 1933, Hindenburg and Papen wanted Nazi on their side. Offered to make Hitler vice chancellor - he refused so he was made chancellor. So he set about making himself ruler by Article 48.
    • Hitler Consolidates Power
      • 27 Feb 1933 - Reichstag Fire, got Hitler to imprison communist leaders. Van Der Lubbe was convicted.
      • 5 March 1933 - General Election, 44% vote Nazis, win 288 seats.
      • 23 March 1933 - Enabling Act, SA intimidates non Nazi deputies, Hitler can pass own laws now.
      • 26 April 1933 - Local Government is reorganised, Hitler sets up the Gestapo to rule by terror.
      • 2 May 1933 - Trade unions are abolished and leaders arrested.
      • 20 June 1933 - Concordat, Hitler makes agreement with Pope.
      • 14 July 1934 - People's Courts, judges swear an oath of loyalty.
      • 30 June 1934 - Night of the Long Knives, SA want to take over army. ** murder 400 SA members plus leader Rohm.
      • 19 August 1934 - Fuhrer, Hindenburg dies and Hitler declares himself president, chancellor and head of army.
    • Life Under Nazi Rule
      • Social Life
        • Religion - non Nazi catholic priests were sent to concentration camps. Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted. Reich Church set up and banned bible and the cross. Nazis encouraged people to revive the old Viking myths.
        • Culture - artists had to produce painting that portrayed Nazi values. Jazz music banned. Books written by Jews publically burned. Homosexuals persecuted. Olympic Games 1936 huge Nazi propaganda success.
      • Education and Youth - non Nazi teachers were sacked, teachers had to join the National Socialist Teacher's League. Textbooks re written to include Nazi ideas. Concentration on physical fitness. Girls taught cookery boys taught science and maths. Hitler Youth compulsory. Nazi Girls Youth Organisation compulsory prepared girls for church children and cooking.
      • Work - RAD sent young men on public works. Hitler introduced conscription 1936. DAF controlled workers conditions. KDF movement regulated their leisure time.
    • Women In Nazi Time
      • Expected to stay at home and look after their family. Doctors , civil servants and teachers forced to give up jobs.
      • Three K's - church, children, cooking.
      • Hitler wanted a higher birth rate so the population would grow. Girls encouraged to keep healthy but not slm as they thought thin women had trouble giving birth.


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