nature of sleep

  • Created by: Molly
  • Created on: 26-11-12 15:19
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  • nature of sleep
    • types of sleep
      • electroenceph- alograph (EEG), uses electrodes on the scalp to record the electrical activity of the brain. (Berger 1929) identified 2 types.
        • desynchronised EEG- usually recorded when someones awake,
        • synchronised EEG- indicates that millions of neurons firing together in unison. usually recorded when someone is asleep
      • non rem sleep (NREM)
        • when we first fall asleep EEG is dominated by larger slower waves as we enter NREM. four stages to NREM
        • respiration, heart rate and blood pressure fall. blood flow to the brain slows, indicating the brain is becoming less active.
      • rapid eye movement sleep (REM)
          • found that falling through the stages of NREM sleep into deep stage 4, sleep would lighten and move back up to NREM stage 2.
          • at this point EEG becomes fast and desynchronised however muscles relax and also movements form the eyes
      • dreaming
        • REM sleep associated with dreaming. by waking participants they established those woken during REM reported dreaming 80%of the time, those woken during NREM reported dreaming only 20%.
        • one problem with this label that REM and dreaming are very different, REM is a physiological state and dreams are subjective.


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