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  • Mutations
    • Mutagenic agents
      • Increase the rate of mutations and probability of mutation occurring
      • Examples: UV radiation, ionising radiation, some cheicals and some viruses
    • Deletion
      • Nucleotide is lost from the normal DNA sequence
      • Involves a frame shift
        • A frame shift at the start of the nucleotide sequence has a greater effect than at the end.
        • A frame shift at the start=amino acids in the primary structure of the polypeptide chain are likely to be different
          • Triplets will be different=amino acids coded for will be different=polypeptides will be different
            • Leads to a non-functioning protein-could alter the phenotype
    • Substitution
      • Nucleotide is replaced by a nucleotide with a different base. 3 consequences of a substitution
        • Missense mutation-base change which results in a different amino acid being coded for
        • Non-sense mutation-base change which results in the formation of 1/3 stop codons
        • Silent mutation-substituted base, although different, still codes for the same amino acid
    • Addition
      • Involves a frame shift
        • A frame shift at the start of the nucleotide sequence has a greater effect than at the end.
        • A frame shift at the start=amino acids in the primary structure of the polypeptide chain are likely to be different
          • Triplets will be different=amino acids coded for will be different=polypeptides will be different
            • Leads to a non-functioning protein-could alter the phenotype
      • An extra nucleotide is inserted so an extra base is added to the sequence
    • Benefits of a mutation
      • Lead to new versions of proteins that help an organism to adapt to changes in their environment
      • Essential for evolution
        • They increase an organisms chance of survival and reproduction


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