Moray's Study into Dichotic Listening

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  • Moray's study of Dichotic listening(1959)
    • AIM- To test factors that would enable an unattached, dichotically presented message to be noticed.
    • RESULTS- Study 1- showed that none of the content of the rejected message(the word list) could be remembered.
    • RESULTS- Study 2- showed that affective instructions(using the participants name) were sometimes heard; as in they could break through the attentional barrier.
    • RESULTS- Study 3- showed that the numbers could not be made important enough to break through the attentional barrier and be noticed in the rejected message even when they were expected.
    • METHOD- LAB EXPERIMENT that has three studies within it. Two were repeated measures design and one was an independent measures design.
      • PARTICIPANTS- Study 2 had 12 participants.
      • PARTICIPANTS- study 1 didn't record the number of participants.
    • STUDY 1- Memory words(DV) from the rejected message. A repeated word list in the rejected message. Control words were also compared( IV).
    • STUDY 2- Instructions were either preceded or not by the participants own name(IV) and whether or not the participant heard the instructions was the DV.
    • STUDY 3- Participants listened to passages with occasional numbers in and were either told they would be asked questions about the shadowed message or that they should remember as many numbers as they can(IV) number of digits reported(DV).


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