Momentum - Rocket Science

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  • Momentum - Rocket science
    • 1) How do you calculate momentum? What is the equation and units? (What must the momentum have, why?
      • p=mv, Momentum (kg m/s) = Mass (kg) * Velocity (m/s). The momentum must have direction, because it is calculated using velocity, which has a direction.
    • 2a) What is the principle of conservation of momentum?
      • Total momentum before a collision is equal to the total momentum after a collision. Sum of Mass * Velocity (Before) = Sum of Mass * Velocity (After).
    • 2b) What condition applies to the principle of conservation of momentum?
      • That no external forces are acting,
    • 3) How do you calculate the velocity after a collision?
      • 1) Calculate momentum before. 2) Calculate mass after 3) Calculate velocity after using mass and momentum just calculated.
    • 4) How do you calculate velocity after an explosion?
      • 1) Know momentum before = 0    2) Know 0=m*v (object 1) + m*v (object 2) 3) Put in all known integers, should be left with one 'v'. 4) rearrange equation to calculate 'v'.


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