A Level - RS - Modern Approach- Elizabeth Anscombe Part 1

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  • Modern Approach - Elizabeth Anscombe Part 1
    • 'Modern Moral Philosophy' 1958
      • She argued that ethical codes such as deontology that are based on moral absolutes and laws from God
        • Out of date in a society where there is no longer widespread religious belief
    • She believed it was important for society to return to a moral system
      • Based upon human development and personal growth
        • what she called 'Human Flourishing'
          • and the promotion of virtue for it's own sake
            • She used an example of a person who gives to the poor out of compassion being morally superior
              • to someone who helps them out of duty
                • because they act from a sense of virtue and morality
                  • from the heart rather than the head
    • Anscombe controversially claimed three things-
      • 1. Modern morality should be laid aside until adequate understanding of the psychology of moral reasoning was attained.
      • 2. Concepts of moral obligation and moral duty should be abandoned until psychology has done it's work...
        • ...She rejected the idea that duty should be an end to itself and sees an emphasis on duty as being divirced from the needs and aspirations of human beings. she recognised that morality, like charity, could be cold and dehumanising, and the reverse of whta it is intended to be
      • 3. Most modern philosophers are all equally misconceived as to the true nature of ethical reasoning or moral theorising.


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