Sheila Birling Character

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  • Miss Sheila Birling
    • Different from the rest of her family
      • Strong-minded - wise enough to suspect Eric's involvement with Eva and hands Gerald his ring back
        • Sheila was more selfish the year before when she abused her status- at the end of the play is more sensible and responsible and changed for good
    • At first her language is childish she uses slang like 'squiffy' to remind the audience she is from a younger generation
      • she also looks to her mother for approval when Gerald gives her the ring
    • But Sheila is not as young as everyone first thinks
      • She has wise instincts about Gerald's absence, she knows about prostitutes and Alderman Meggarty she she says to her Father 'I am not a child'
    • Sheila has moral standards
      • She acknowledges that she used her power against Eva but regrets her actions and is eager to learn from the consequences
      • Priestly uses her as a moral  judge at the end of the play
    • Sheils becomes a bit like the inspector
      • She asks Gerald as many questions, reveals Eric's drinking problem . Both she and the inspector suddenly startle the listeners




I have done a mind map on Gerald and i'm going to do Eric and Eva Smith soon.

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