Minority Influence

  • Created by: MollyL20
  • Created on: 15-10-20 19:29
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  • Minority influence
    • Refers to the situations where one person or a small group of people influencing the behaviour and beliefs of people. This is different from conformity as its the minority doing the influencing. leads to internalistaion
    • Consistency
      • The consistency in minority views increases the amount of interest from other people
      • This consistency might be the agreement between people in the minority group which is called synchronic consistency. Consistency over time is called diachronic consistency
      • Both types of consistency make people rethink their views
    • Flexability
      • Nemeth (1986) argued that it wasn't the only important factor in minority influence because it can be interpreted negatively
      • Being extremely consistent and repeating the same point and behaviours can be seen as inflexible and rigid. This is off putting to the majority and unlikely to result in any conversations to the minority
      • Instead members of the minority needed to be prepared to adapt their point and view and accept valid counter arguments
    • Commitment
      • Some times the minorities need to engage in extreme activities to draw attention to their views, these activities need to have some risk involved
      • The risks demonstrate commitment to the cause which causes the majority groups to pay more attention, this is called the augmentation principle
    • The process of change
      • Overtime, an increasing amount of people switch from the majority to the minority position . They have been 'converted'.
      • The more that people switch the faster the rate of conversion, this is called the snowball effect. Gradually the minority view has become the majority view


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