Milgram's study of obedience.

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  • Milgram's study of obedience(1963)
    • AIM- To investigate the tendency for destructive obedience.
    • RESULTS- 1. 100% of participants gave at least 300v and 65% of participants delivered the full 450v.
    • METHOD- The participants were asked to deliver electric shocks to another through a series of questions when they answered incorrectly they delivered the electric shock; each time the electric shocks voltage increased by 15v eventually reaching 450v.
      • DESIGN- Lab experiment/observation.
        • DV- The level of obedience this was determined by the maximum voltage given by each participant.
        • IV- This particular experiment only contained one condition being the teacher.
      • PARTICIPANTS- 40 men aged between 20-50. Volunteer sample as there was a newspaper advertisement(got paid $4.50) .
      • There was a 'biology teacher' authority figure within the lab whilst the experiment took place encouraging the participant to continue using prods.
    • ETHICS- in the time that milgrams study took place there weren't ethics laws which meant that he could do his experiment.
      • DECEPTION- Milgram used deception within his study as he told participants that his study was looking into memory and learning.
      • PSYCHOLOGICAL HARM- Most of the participants suffered distress when partaking in the experiment as they believe they had seriously hurt or killed someone.
      • CONSENT- participants didn't give informed consent of the study he was actually conducting into obedience.
      • WITHDRAW- Participants felt like they couldn't withdraw as they had the 'biology teacher' giving them prods to continue.


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