Michelangelo - The creation of Adam (AQA B)

A revision mind map on Michaelangelo's 'The Creation of Adam'. I cover the key features of the painting and how this enforces God's nature through the Genesis accounts. In addition, I discuss what makes this painting controversial to some groups of Christians. This resource is brilliant if you are looking for content to help tackle exam practice questions. (This is intended for students studying AQA religious studies specification B, Topic 1 - Creation. 

  • Created by: Adam31256
  • Created on: 24-05-21 21:15
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  • Michaelangelo- The Creation Of Adam.
    • Adam is almost touching Gods finger. This infers that many humans choose to deny the existence of God and his role in creation; however, God will still reach out, offering a life of faith.
      • In addition to this implication, it also portrays Adam’s lack of awareness of God’s unconditional love for him and how important he is to God.
    • Adam is portrayed as a perfect man, muscular and powerful - full of potential to maintain his role as a steward in Gods Creation
      • On the other hand, God is portrayed as an old man - brimming with wisdom and knowledge.
    • God is  transcendent; he is beyond human understanding and comprehension. He is being carried through the air by angels, this enforces the idea that he is beyond our world.
    • Why is this painting considered controversial?
      • God is portrayed as a white man. However, all human beings are made in the image of God. He does not represent all the races of the world
      • God and Adam are the same size. God and Adam are equal - this is not a Catholic teaching. God is portrayed as transcendent and as a creator through the genesis ; he is supposed to be beyond Adam.
      • The Catholic Church does not teach about God’s appearance, it is unknown and is beyond our human understanding




Sorry for the lacklustre grammatical error (forgetting a bracket) in the description. Many thanks, Adam_31256

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