Messerschmidt - masculinity & crime

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  • Messerschmidt- masculinity & crime
    • Argues that masculinity is a social construct or 'accomplishment' & man have to constantly work at constructing & presenting it to others
    • Different masculinities co-exist within society but hegemonic masculinity is the dominant form which men wish to achieve
      • Hegemonic masculinity is defined through 'work in the paid-labour market, subordination of women, heterosexism & the driven & uncontrollable sexuality of men
      • Some men have subordinate masculinities, includes: gay men, men who have no desire to accomplish hegemonic masculinity, as well as lower class & some ethnic minority men who lack resources to do so
    • Sees crime & deviance as resources that different men may use for accomplishing masculinity
      • White MC youths - have to subordinate themselves to teachers in order to achieve MC status leading to accommodating masculinity in school, outside school they do it through drinking, pranks & vandalism
      • White WC youths - less chance of educational success, their masculinity is oppositional in & out of school, constructed around sexist attitudes, being tough & opposing teachers authority
      • Black Lower WC youths - may have few expectations of a reasonable job & may use gang membership & violence to express masculinity
    • Criticisms
      • Is masculinity an explanation of male crime or just a description of male offenders, circular argument
      • He doesn't explain why not all men use crime to accomplish masculinity
      • He over-works the concept of masculinity to explain virtually all make crimes


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