merthyr rising

  • Created by: niamhjt
  • Created on: 27-04-22 14:25
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  • Merthyr Rising
    • Causes
      • economic depression 1829: three year depression in the iron industry, led to lower wages and job losses. many fell into debt and lost possessions (joseph coffin)
      • Merthyr radicals formed a political union. initially to deal with the corn laws and truck system. by the end of the year they were firmly set on PR. hoped the bill for reform in 1830 would be successful, but only opened the door for future reforms
      • Crawshay wage cuts may 1831:ironmasters introduced wage cuts which had been announced two months previously. there were also frequent wage cuts.  all of merthyrs ironworkers protested. just a week later the rising took place
      • working conditions: 12/13 hour weeks up to 7 days a week. only got good friday and christmas off, yet their wages were still higher than rural workers
      • Truck system: workers were paid in tokens which could only be spent at employers shops. the food was poor quality and they faced poverty and debt because of it.
      • housing: poor quality housing built back to back, no toilets and lack of sanitation, they were damp and crowded. people living in cellars
    • aims
      • better wages
      • abolition of truck system
      • manhood sufferage
    • impact
      • two leaders were given the death penalty and others were transported
      • passing of the great reform act 1832- by 1832 merthyr had gained an MP
      • The development of Trade Unions to put pressure on government
      • not everyone could vote Authorities were wary of making laws about?affected the working class and the workers?Wages did not increase??
      • The?Truck System?was made illegal in 1832, however ways round this were found - workers still got food as part of their wages?
      • They wanted change to the voting system - BUT there was only a small increase in the number of people allowed to vote, the protesters were very disappointed- ‘the disappointment of the 1832 Reform Act.
      • The significance of the Rising was that the workers became closer together The hatred for the ironmaster increased Colliers Union appeared over all over Wales, which were the first proper trade unions in Britain. gave rise to chartism
    • government response
      • Shocked government and Parliament
      • Soldiers were sent to control the uprising
      • Made examples of the leaders, Lewis Lewis and Dic Penderyn.?
        • Lewis Lewis for robbery and Richard Lewis (Dic Penderyn) For stabbing a soldier (Private Donald Black of the Highland Regiment) in the leg with a seized?bayonet.???
      • The Great Reform Act followed- enfranchised the middle class, but working class were excluded from the vote.
      • Untdetermined that at least one rebel should die as an example.  The people of Merthyr Tydfil were convinced that (Dic Penderyn) was not responsible for the stabbing, and 11,000 signed a petition demanding his release. The government refused, and  was hanged at?Cardiff Market August, 1831.


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