
  • Created by: lucyjj9
  • Created on: 19-05-17 19:58
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  • Mercutio
    • 'If love be rough with you, be rough with love'
      • Mercutio is telling Romeo to get over his love for Rosaline
      • Mercutio comes across as opposed to the whole idea of love
      • Mercutio is an anti Romantic character who regards love as an exclusively physical pursuit
    • 'I conjure thee by Rosaline's bright eyes,By her high forehead and her scarlet lip, By her fine foot, straight leg, and quivering thigh'
      • Mercutio is hostile towards women.
      • He compares Rosaline's body parts to things in nature in a crude monologue
    • 'I see Queen Mab hath been with you'
      • Mercutio has a very strange rant about the mythological fairy Queen Mab and ends up talking about sexual love
      • Fairies predominate in the dream world Mercutio presents, and dreams are merely the result of the anxieties and desires of those who sleep
      • This displays Mercutio's eloquence and vivid imagination, while illustrating his cynical side
    • 'Romeo, Humors! Madman! Passion! Lover! Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh,Speak but one rhyme and I am satisfied.'
      • Mercutio mocks Romeo's vision of love and the poetic devices he uses to express his emotions
  • Mercutio is optimistic, loyal and a good friend
  • Mercutio is Romeo's best friend
  • 'That dreamers often lie'
    • Mercutio makes fun of Romeo after he says he loves Rosaline
      • Mercutio ridicules Romeo's 'love' for Rosaline and claims it as false
    • This is Mercutio's response after Romeo tells Mercutio he dreamt of Rosaline
      • He says openly that dreamers lie because he understands Romeo's love for Rosaline isn't true
  • "Will you pluck your sword out of his pilcher by the ears? Make haste."
    • Mercutio is loyal when Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt
    • Mercutio then decides to fight Tybalt himself instead
    • Mercutio cannot stand to see Romeo's honour jeopardised in the face of his enemy
    • This shows Mercutio taking Romeo's place to fight Tybalt
      • He is taunting Tybalt suggesting he is slow to get his sword ready to fight
      • The fact that Mercutio is telling Tybalt to 'make haste' will only taunt Tybalt further, as he is suggesting Tybalt is a coward
  • Facts
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  • 'A plague o both your houses!
  • 'By my heel, I care not.'
  • 'Signior Romeo, bonjour!'
  • 'Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man'
  • Mercutio is one of the kinsmen of Prince Escallus
  • Mercutio is known for his jokes and making audiences laugh, but he is in fact very profound. Mercutio is a deep thinking and avid dreamer




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