Memory studies

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  • Memory Studies
    • Capacity into short term memory
      • Miller's Magic Number 7
        • Aim: was to investigate the capacity of the short term memory. Procedure: he had out a set number of number seuqueces to his participants. They then had to repeat the sequence back to him afterwards. Each sequence got bigger each time.          Findings: On average particpants could remember 7 +/- 2 itmes.
    • Duration in short term memory
      • Peterson and Peterson
        • Aim: to inverstiaget how long the short term memory can hold a piece of information for. Procedure: he had a sample ppnts and a prepared set list of different triagrams. Then he showed the ppnt the triagrams seperatly and asked them to repeat them back. But between each recall the ppnt had to a interfence task and the time became longer from 3 seoncds to 18 seconds. Findings; The found that majority of people could remember the triagrams on 3 seconds and 6 seconds. But only 10 % could remember the traigrams at 18 seconds.
    • Duration into long term memory
      • Bahrick
        • Aim: to investigate how long the duration of the long term memory is. Procedure: he had 392 American ex students from 17 to 74 years old. Then, each ppnt was taken through 4 steps about people they could remember from school. Free recall of names, name recall, face recognition and then face and name recognition. Findings: 90% was correct on face and name recognition but this dropped to 80% after 40 years away from the school.
  • Baddely
    • Aim: to investigate the different types of sound and information that is stored between short and long term memory. Procedure: he gave his ppnts 4 sets of words, A was accousitcally similar. B was accousicatly dissimilar. C was semantically similar and D was sematically dissimilar. He then asked them to repeat all the list of words after a period of time. Findings: when the memory is using the short term list B was  better so short term is more accousitcally whereas te long term is more semantically.
    • Encoding of the short and long term memory
      • Memory Studies
        • Capacity into short term memory
          • Miller's Magic Number 7
            • Aim: was to investigate the capacity of the short term memory. Procedure: he had out a set number of number seuqueces to his participants. They then had to repeat the sequence back to him afterwards. Each sequence got bigger each time.          Findings: On average particpants could remember 7 +/- 2 itmes.
        • Duration in short term memory
          • Peterson and Peterson
            • Aim: to inverstiaget how long the short term memory can hold a piece of information for. Procedure: he had a sample ppnts and a prepared set list of different triagrams. Then he showed the ppnt the triagrams seperatly and asked them to repeat them back. But between each recall the ppnt had to a interfence task and the time became longer from 3 seoncds to 18 seconds. Findings; The found that majority of people could remember the triagrams on 3 seconds and 6 seconds. But only 10 % could remember the traigrams at 18 seconds.
        • Duration into long term memory
          • Bahrick
            • Aim: to investigate how long the duration of the long term memory is. Procedure: he had 392 American ex students from 17 to 74 years old. Then, each ppnt was taken through 4 steps about people they could remember from school. Free recall of names, name recall, face recognition and then face and name recognition. Findings: 90% was correct on face and name recognition but this dropped to 80% after 40 years away from the school.


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