Memory: Coding, Capacity and Duration

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 06-05-18 07:37
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  • Memory: Coding, Capacity and Duration
  • Info is stored in a raw, unprocessed form, with each seperate store for the senses.
  • The amount of info that can be held in a memory store.
  • STM = limited capacity
      • LTM = infinite capacity.
  • Sperling (1960) found that the iconic store has a short duration (0.05 seconds), but a large capacity of 12 units of information.
  • Capacity of STM can be assessed by digit span, Jacobs 1887 - gave ppts digits and asked to recall in correct order and keeps giving them digits until they cannot correctly recall.
  • Jacobs found the mean span for digits was 9.3 items and 7.3 for letters
  • Span of Memory and Chunking - Miller 1956 made observations of everyday practice, noted things come in 7's, suggesting the span of STM is 7 items. People can recall 5 words as well as they recall 5 letters. Do this by chunking - grouping sets of digits or letters into units or chunks.
  • The length of time info can be held in memory.
  • STM - Peterson 1959 studied duration of STM using 24 students, each ppt tested over 8 trials. On each trial ppt given consonant syllable and 3 digit no, asked to recall CS after 3,6,9,12,15,18 secs. During interval they counted backwards from 3 digit no. Found 90% correct over 3 secs, 2% after 18, short duration.
      • STM doesn't last very long, LTM potentially lasts forever
  • LTM - Bahrick 1975 tested 400 people various ages, photo recognition test, those tested within 15 yrs of graduation were 90% accurate in identifying faces. After 48 yrs, declined to 70%.


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