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  • Memory
    • Multistore Model
      • Sensory register
        • Duration-1/4 to 1/2 second
        • capacity-very large
        • Coding- sense specific eg acoustic for sounds
        • Iconic- visual
        • Echoic-Auditory
      • STM
        • Duration-0-18 seconds
        • Capacity- 7+/- 2 items
        • Coding-Acoustic
        • Attention from SR
        • Maintenance Rehearsal-Repetition of information keeps it in the STM
      • LTM
        • Duration- Unlimited
        • Capacity-Unlimited
        • Coding-Semantic
        • Prolonged Rehearsal- Repetition over a long period of time
      • Strengths- Gives us good understanding of the structure and process of the STM and allows researchers to expand on the model. Means that researchers can do experiments to improve it meaning that it has created a lot of research into memory.
      • strenght-Case of HM as he was unable to code new long-term memories after surgery where his hippocampus was removed but his STM was unaffected. Supports the view that STM and LTM are separate stores
      • Weaknesses-The model is oversimplified when it states that both STM and LTM operate in a single form fashion. LTM and STM are more complicated than it implies, for example the WMM showed that STM was more than one unitary store and has other components like the CE
      • Weakness-in the case of LTM its unlikely that different kinds of knowledge are kept within a singe store. Eg there are different types of LTM procedural etc.
      • Weakness-Rehearsal is considered too simple for the transfer of information to the LTM it ignores factors such as motivation. Rehearsal isn't essential for information to transfer to the LTM eg swimming compared to reading over revision notes
    • WMM
      • Central Executive
        • The boss-allocates data to the slave systems - phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad
        • Visuospatial Sketchpad-processes information in a visual form
          • inner scribe-stores information about the physical relationship of items eg where in the room something is
          • Visual Cache- stores information about form and colour.
          • Strength- KF brain damaged could recall verbal information but not visual supports WMM claim that STM is more complex
          • Weakness- It provides more information than the STM however it has still been criticised for being too simple and vague. eg, its unclear what the central executive is or its exact role in attention
          • Weakness- results from laboratory experiments often have low ecological validity as tasks such as repeating 'the the the' are arguably not representative of our everyday activities
        • Phonological loop- spoken and written material
          • Phonological Store- holds spoken words for 1-2 seconds- codes- auditory
          • Articulatory Process- Rehearses the information from the phonological store
      • Represents the STM
      • Strengths-Provides an explanation for parallel processing eg performing 2 tasks at once, unlike the MSM
    • Improving the accuracy of EWT
      • Reinstate the context- The witness is made to go back to the event in their head in order to remember more information, they are encouraged to remember the weather and how they were feeling at the time.
      • Recall everything- The witness is encouraged to recall everything even if they feel its irrelevant, this may create cues for the witness to remember more information
      • Reverse the order- Prevents lying and false information as the witness is made to think about the information in a different order
      • Change perspective- This prevents any expectations of any recall of events as its from a different point of view
      • Weakness-Time consuming and expensive, takes a long time to train a policeman and the interviewer has to create a rapport with the witness in order for the CI to work
      • Weakness- some elements of the cognitive interview may be more valuable than others. For example research has shown that a combination of report everything and reinstate the context produced better recall than the interview used as a whole
      • Strength- the CI is useful when interviewing older witnesses, researchers found that when using the CI the witness recalled less inaccurate information with greater detail than before without


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