Memory 3 (Pg58-63)

  • Created by: emg02
  • Created on: 01-09-20 12:57
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  • Memory 3 (Pg58-)
    • Factors Affecting the Accuracy of EWT: Misleading Information
      • The wording of a questions may lead/ mislead you to give a certain answer
      • Loftus & Palmer (1974) Car Accidents= Leading Qs
        • 45 students watched film clips of car accidents and were then asked questions about the accident
          • In the CRITICAL QUESTION, a leading or misleading question, pps were asked to decribe how fast the cars were travelling
            • There were 5 groups of pps and each were given a different verb: hit, contacted, bumped, collided, smashed.
              • Mean estimated speed was calced for each group. Contacted=31.8mph. Smashed=40.5mph
                • The leading questions meat pps were biased in their answer
      • Response-Bias Explanation
        • Suggests wording of the Q has no real effect on the pps' memories- just how they decide to answer
          • 2nd L&P (1974) supported the Substitution Explanation, which proposes wording of the leading Q changes the pps' memory
            • Loftus & Palmer (1974) Car Accidents= Leading Qs
              • 45 students watched film clips of car accidents and were then asked questions about the accident
                • In the CRITICAL QUESTION, a leading or misleading question, pps were asked to decribe how fast the cars were travelling
                  • There were 5 groups of pps and each were given a different verb: hit, contacted, bumped, collided, smashed.
                    • Mean estimated speed was calced for each group. Contacted=31.8mph. Smashed=40.5mph
                      • The leading questions meat pps were biased in their answer
            • Pps who heard smashed were more likely to say they saw broken glass than those who heard hit (there was no glass)= critical verb altered memory
      • Gabbert et al. (2003) Crime Watch= Post-Event Discussion
        • Gabbert studied pps in pairs. Each pp watched video of same crime but filmed from different points of view. Each saw elements the other couldn't. Both pps discussed before completing a recall test
          • 71% f pps mistakenly recalled aspects of the event that they didn't see but had picked up in discussion
            • The corresponding figure in a control group where there was no discussion was 0%
              • This is evidence of memory conformity
    • FATAO(EWT): Anxiety
      • Creates strong physiological arousal in the body which prevents us paying attention to important cues, so recall is worse
        • ie. In EWT, the presence of a weapon creates anxiety and worsens recall. as focus is on weapon
      • Johnson & Scott (1976) Anxiety Negative Effect- Waiting Room
        • Pps believed they were taking part in a lab study.
          • Low-anxiety condition: Pps in waiting room heard a casual convo in the next room and then saw a man exit carrying a pen with grease on his hands
            • High-anxiety condition: Heard a heated argument from the next room and saw a man exit holding a knife covered in blood
              • Pps later picked out a picture of the man from 50, and 49% who's seen him carry a pen identified him. Only 33% of those who'd seen him with the knife identified him= Tunnel Theory (on knife)
      • Yuille & Cutshall (1986) Anxiety + Effect- Shooting in a Shop
        • Anxious arousal can put the body and mind into fight or flight= awareness which may improve person's recall
        • Y&C studied an actual shooting in a shop in Vancouver, Canada. The shop owner shot a thief dead. There were 21 witnesses but only 13 took part in the study
          • Were interviewed for 4-5 months after the shooting and these were compared to the original police interviews at the time of the shooting
            • Accuracy was determined by the number of details recalled in each account
    • Improving the accuracy of EWT: Cognitive Interview
      • Fisher & Geiselman (1992) CI
      • 1. Report everything
        • Even the trivial things
      • 2. Reinstate the context
        • Links to context-DF, so imagine scene as recall
      • 3. Reverse the order
        • Or from different points in the sequence (back and forth)
      • 4. Change perspective
        • Effect on recall schema
      • Enhanced CI (ECI)
        • Focus on social dynamics of interaction ie. when/not to use eye contact


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