Megacities: London

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  • Megacities: London
    • Challenges London has faced
      • In the year 2000 Londoners: • Consumed 49 million tones of materials (or 6.1 tonnes per person) • Consumed 154,407 GigaWatt hours of energy, and produced 41 million tones of CO2. Less than 1% of London's energy came from renewable sources. • Consumed 6.9 million tonnes of food, of which 81% came from outside the UK • Consumed 866 billion litres of water of which 28% was leakage
      • an ecological footprint for London of 49 million global hectares - which is 293 times its geographical area (roughly twice the size of the UK!). Londoner’s lifestyles can be said to be unsustainable and if everyone in the world were to consume as much as Londoners then we would require at least three planets!
    • Causes of suburbanisati-on
      • process involving decentralisati-on of people, industries and services from central city areas towards the rural-urban fringe
      • Normally as destination for immigrants
      • Suburbanisati-on results in the physical spreading of a city into surrounding countryside areas, known as URBAN SPRAWL, and this puts pressure on greenfield sites and on nature.
    • 'The London Plan'
      • the overall strategic plan for London, setting out an integrated economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of London over the next 20–25 years
      • dealing with: Transport, Economic Development, Housing, Culture , a range of social issues such as children and young people, health inequalities and food, a range of environmental issues such as climate change (adaptation and mitigation), air quality, noise and waste
      • economic development and wealth creation,  social development and   improvement of the environment
    • How London is becoming more sustainable
      • Barnet Scrap Barn- this volunteer group recycles waste materials they aim to collect interesting materials that can be passed on to children and play workers to create wonderful works of art and expand their play and creative opportunities.
      • London Cycling campaign: The project sets out to reach Londoners who have not experienced cycling before, especially communities which are currently under-represented in cycling, such as those from the black minority ethnic communities, woman and young people.
      • Islington Ecology Centre The centre is situated in a nature reserve, Gillespie Park, and is used to provide local people with green space and to deliver educational and community events.
    • LDDC
      • London Docklands is the largest urban regeneration project in Western Europe. Started in 1981 with the establishment of the London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC), the area’s regeneration was far from complete when the LDDC was wound up in 1998.
      • The LDDC was set up to:Secure regeneration by bringing land and buildings into effective use Encourage the development of existing and new industry Create an attractive environment Ensure that housing and social facilities were available to encourage people to live and work in the area.
    • London 2012’s sustainability
      • The Velodrome, meanwhile, was built with 100% sustainably-sourced timber, while the Copper Box was covered with recycled copper and helped reduce water use by 40% by recycling rainwater.
      • London 2012 was also the first Olympic Games to measure its carbon footprint over the entire project term and was the first Games to commit to – and achieve – a ‘zero waste’ to landfill target through the strategic Zero Waste Games Vision.
      • The Olympic Park’s Energy Centre was also constructed with sustainability in mind, employing innovative biomass boilers that burn woodchips and other sustainable fuels to supply heating and cooling to buildings throughout the Olympic Park.


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