Unit 2: Use of Medical Technology

  • Created by: NezZita
  • Created on: 17-04-14 19:15
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  • Medical Technology
    • Fertility Treatment
      • AID- Artificial Insemination by Donor. Sperm from donor placed in female womb. 
        • For: Can helps a couple to have children.
        • Against:It involves a third party, also can cause affect mentally or emotionally the child life. Children are gift from God and only God can make new life. A life should come to the world from sex, not from technology. Couples should trust God.
      • AIH- Artificial Insemination by Husband. Sperm from husband placed in female womb.
        • For:It is for a good reason, the use of technology is using for good case.
        • Against: Children are gift from God and only God can make new life. A life should come to the world from sex, not from technology. Couples should trust God.
      • IVF- In Vitro Fertilisation. The sperm and egg are fertilised in a lab to produce embryos. Some are placed in womb to assist pregnancy. Others are destroyed after 14 days.
        • For:Some Christians believe that it is OK to end to embryos up to 14 days.
        • Against: It involves the destruction of embryos, because Catholics believe that a life starts at conception. Children are gift from God and only God can make new life. A life should come to the world from sex, not from technology. Couples should trust God.
      • Surrogacy – embryo is created through IVF; surrogate mother carries baby for 9 months and hands over to biological parents at birth
        • For:Can help a couple to have children
        • Against:It involves a third party, also can cause affect mentally or emotionally the child life. Children are gift from God and only God can make new life. A life should come to the world from sex, not from technology. Couples should trust God.
    • Genetic Engineering: The modification of gene make-up to change the features of a human.
      • Embryo research- research that scientists conduct on embryos; these may be human or animal embryos.
        • Against: Human life is sacred; it should be protected against experimentation. The embryo is an innocent human being. It is wrong to interfere with God’s creation or change God’s creation.
        • For: A human embryo is important but not important as a human being. Research up to 14 days is acceptable. Embryo research could bring medical cures.
      • Hybrid embryo- is a mixture of both human and animal tissue; it is mostly human with a small animal part.
        • For: Could bring medical cures.
        • Against: God created the animals and humans in different days this means that is wrong mix animal and humans together and goes against God’s natural order. Mix human and animal can be seen to degrade the image of God.
      • Somatic cell therapy- Adult stem cells to correct nature and heal sick people.
        • For: Somatic cell therapy- can be used to treat diseases.
      • Designer babies- babies whose characteristics are chosen by their parents.
        • For: can cure or help in a parent’s disease.
        • Against:  Destruction of embryos with the “wrong features”. Saviour Siblings- many embryos are destroyed.
      • Saviour Siblings- are babies made to cure older brothers or sisters that are very ill.
        • For: It is creation someone to help another. This is another good reason to have more children.
        • Against: Many embryos are destroyed.
    • Cloning: It is the scientific method by which a living being can be created which has exactly the same genetic make-up as the original, because DNA of the original is used.
      • Reproductive cloning would make it possible to reproduce an identical new human being. (illegal)
        • Almost all Christians are against because God create Christians in his own image
      • Therapeutic cloning- scientist use embryo stem cells to create an identical new human embryo in order to develop cures for diseases.
        • For: Therapeutic cloning- can find new treatments and cures for diseases
        • Against:  Therapeutic cloning- babies should be created out of love, not technology with scientist involved. Embryos destruction.
    • For: Fertility Treatment Genetic Engineering: “Be fruitful and multiply”. Cloning for: "Love your neighbour. Against: Fertility Treatment: “Only God can give and take life” Genetic Engineering: "God created humans in his own image" Cloning: "Do not murder"


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