Media influence on pro social behaviour

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  • Media influences on pro social behaviour
    • Pro social behaviour- virtually all programmes or films have a hero and they usually do something altruistic to save the day.
    • Evaluation A02
      • Exposure to pro social behaviour - (Woodward) 77% of US programmes for children had at least one pro social lesson by only 4 of the top 20 watched had any pro social lessons in them.
      • Acquisition of pro social behaviours and norms - Children are most affected when shown the exact ste[s for pro social behaviour, So learning pro social behaviours may be less common unless followed up with discussion.
      • Development factors - (Metaanalysis) Mares - weakest effect of programming was for adolescents.
      • Parental mediation -Valkenburg found only some forms of parental mediation were effective.
      • Pro social versus anti social effects - Mares found children are more likely to generalise after watching anti social.
    • Media influence on pro social behaviour.
      • Acquisition of pro social behaviours and norms - (Bandura SLT). Learn through observation to imitate behaviours. Pro social acts are likely to represent social norms so they reinforce our own. This means we are more likely to be rewarded for imitating pro social behaviour as opposed to anti social.
      • Developmental factors - (Eisenburg) Pro social skills like moral reasoning develop throughout childhood into adolescents, so younger children are less affected by pro social portrayal.
      • Parental mediation - (Austin) Effective parent mediation involves discussing ambiguous or disturbing material in a programme. this enhances the learning.


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