  • Created by: Natali305
  • Created on: 23-06-20 09:01
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  • Media Ownership
    • who owns the media
      • concentrated by a few large companies, they control what people see through the media.
        • media have an ideological role to spread the dominant hegemonic ideology of the ruling class
          • encourages people to accept inequality
        • less diversity
        • including virgin media and sky, take over smaller companies.
      • pluralists argue that the media content is driven by consumer interest, if people don't like what they see they wont read.
      • Marxists believe that the ruling class pick and choose
        • encourages people to accept inequality
      • matters because it affects the way that the media is reported
        • eg if one company buys 3 outlets then the overall opinion becomes narrower.
        • they are the way that most people see what it going on, can abuse the power and misrepresent the public.
          • that's why some media outlets are more trusted than others.
          • shown through the reporting of Dominic Cummings, Daily mail support social order so were against the movement whereas The Guardian say it was bad and use lots of evidence against it
            • different interpretations, stories and views can give a mixed and distorted image.
    • media bias
      • They can hide factors or only show part of the story
        • eg homeless man attacked local, but they didn't say that its because they robbed a shop.
        • different wording can alter the audience perception
        • BBC is meant to be a neutral reporter and believed that this event was a popular uprising, where in the Iraq war they tore down the statue of Hussein.
          • 'One of the great moments in the history of liberty'- George Bush
          • was not all what it seemed as it could have been a staged event to encourage support for the American and British.
            • few years later a bigger uprising, was the past one really an uprising?
              • Overall need to cast a critical eye and try to find the truth
                • BBC is meant to be a neutral reporter and believed that this event was a popular uprising, where in the Iraq war they tore down the statue of Hussein.
                  • 'One of the great moments in the history of liberty'- George Bush
                  • was not all what it seemed as it could have been a staged event to encourage support for the American and British.
                    • few years later a bigger uprising, was the past one really an uprising?
                      • Overall need to cast a critical eye and try to find the truth
                        • don't believe everything that you see
                  • BBC are under the royal charter and need to cater for all
                • don't believe everything that you see
          • BBC are under the royal charter and need to cater for all
    • perspectives in the media
      • Media concentration we have more choice on places to view the media but the diversity is reduced as they are controlled by less companies
        • major concerns for sociologists, 1983 there were 50 companies and by 2014 there were 6 companies that CONTROL
        • concentrated from- global conglomeration- where companies in one country buy the ones in another
          • transnational corporation


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