Media and crime & deviance

  • Created by: andakhan
  • Created on: 27-02-16 11:03
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  • Media and crime &deviance
    • INTRO- William & Dickinson= 40% of newspaper is crime - news socially constructed as an outcome of social processes - stories selected and portrayed in media
      • 2007 OS 26% males in UK prisons = black or other heritage - pattern emerging since 1970s
        • Hall et al examined moral panic + fear of muggings in early 1970s to provide an explanation for the high amunt of black men in UK prisons
  • Bourgeoisie were using the media to persuade the WC that authority is protecting them in attempt to mask the economic crisis- media based their reports on police briefings- which had shown that blame was scapegoated on YBAC males
    • Moral panic justified intensive policing towards YBAC males - so Hall et al used the term mugger and explains it as a socially constructed attempt to divert population from real economic problems
    • Hall et al had concluded these moral panic tactics were a form of dictraction from the political unrest which had led to crisis in hegemony, class and ideological control of popular masses
  • Bandura- carried out experiminets where young children were exposed to films where a bobo doll was being attacked- on the basis of tis experiment violent media content can lead to imitation or copycat violence
    • Young argues that seeing effects of violence and suffering makes us more aware of its consequneces so we are less inclined to commit violent acts
      • However, the theories described fail to account for corporate crime and why it occurs- media changes so ideal and values also change over time so they're relative
        • CONCLUSION: marxists highlight ideological position of relationship with media and crime - corporate crime is played down
          • Functionalists : media coverage= window on the world reflecting life and crime
  • However, the theories described fail to account for corporate crime and why it occurs- media changes so ideal and values also change over time so they're relative
    • CONCLUSION: marxists highlight ideological position of relationship with media and crime - corporate crime is played down
      • Functionalists : media coverage= window on the world reflecting life and crime
  • New right- portrayal of violence and sexually explicit material as socially encouraging anti social behaviour
    • postmodernists= mass media plays a significant role in constructing people's reality
      • Feminists- media plays down role of women as victims unless they are white/ pretty (white woman syndrome) - media emphasizes black criminality buy plays down how African Caribbeans and south asians twice as likely to be victims of crime than white


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