Mean Time (Carol Ann Duffy)

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  • Mean Time
    • 'The clocks slid back a hour and stole light from my life.' The personification here depicts how the persona feels they have lost time. The material verb, 'slid' has a cacophonous sound; connotations of sly. Adjective, 'light' has connotations too of the persona's lover.
    • '(...) walked through wrong part of town.' The adjective 'wrong' suggests it is not familiar to the persona, they know it is not the correct path. An example of epistemic modality.
    • 'mourning our love.' The material verb, 'mourning' reiterates the symbolic meaning of 'death'. The persona sobs for the death of their love. A broken relationship. The determiner, 'our' clarifies that it was both theirs.
    • ''unmendable rain' The adjective meaning as true to its definition. The persona knows it is unable to be fixed.
    • 'felt my heart gnaw' The zoomorphism from the material verb, 'gnaw' reflects how heart-broken the persona is. It feels as if their heart is eating itself in.
    • 'If the darkening sky could lift more than one hour from his day.' There is an example of boulomaic modality here. The persona desires for hope, wants to erase the past. Start again. Another chance.
    • 'day' and 'say' follow rhyme in the stanza.
    • 'But we will be dead, as we know beyond all light.' The epistemic modality here reflects how the persona feels time nor their own responsibility of trying to fix the relationship, will work. The adjective 'light' as euphonious sound and connotations of 'hope.'
    • 'These are shortened days and the endless nights.' The adjective, 'endless' conveys darkness, echoes the idea that there is no hope; powerless.


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