Matthew Virgin Birth

  • Created by: DanniiT97
  • Created on: 22-04-16 11:43
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  • Matthew - Birth Account
    • Initial Observations
      • Begins with a genealogy tracing from the line of Abraham (to whom the promises were made) Through David (who became the first king in the line of the covenant promises) and to Jesus Christ
        • This genealogy shows that the family of Joseph was in the line of the Kings - that Jesus is the "son" of David. Accordingly, Matthew will present Jesus as the promised king (the Messiah)
      • Mt does not emphasize the difficulty of Mary and Joseph's situation - however this difficulty may be why there is the inclusion of an angelic revelation.
        • Accentuates the revelation from God that will set their hearts at ease and encourage faith response.
      • Main clauses tells that Mary was pledged to be married, found to be pregnant and Joseph was planning to divorce her. A revelation from God explained her condition, so he completed the marriage agreement.
      • Two main priorities to the passage: 1) What the angel said - placing emphasis on the revelation of the birth. 2) Vs 22-23 telling us that this was a fulfilment of the prophecy Isaiah. This explanation is put in for the readers to show that the supernatural birth is a fulfilment of prophecy.
    • The Subject Matter
      • About the birth of Jesus Christ
      • Principle character is the Lord who moves behind the scenes to bring about the birth of Christ.
      • Mary is found to be with child - passive verb - the story is not emphasizing what she did
        • Joseph about to act but is prevented from doing so by the Lord in a dream
          • His actions are in response to the revelation from God but it is God who is at work with the narrative
      • The HS brings about the conception in Mary, the angel from God reveals the mystery to Joseph and gives him the instructions
        • All of this is a fulfilment of what God has prophesied hundreds of years earlier
      • The birth is seen to be supernatural which is the tone that Mt wanted to set at the outset of his Gospel  - that there is nothing purely human about Jesus.
      • The birth was of God, explained by God, in fulfilment of a prophecy by God.
    • The Angelic Revelation
      • Core of the revelation - "what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit"
      • "and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ" - does not list Jesus as a son of Joseph,
      • "God sent his son into the world"
      • Child conceived supernaturally in her womb by the H.S but the divine son was sent into the world from heaven by the father.
      • The person of JC has 2 natures:: the earthly human and the eternal divine, supernaturally united in Him.
      • The point of the supernatural birth follows a long tradition of such things in the OT
        • This child would be of destiny. The body of Jesus was specially prepared by God the Spirit for the Son who came into the world.
    • The Fulfilment of Prophecy
      • Fulfilment of Isaiah
      • Hebrew word translated "Virgin" means young woman who is mature enough for marriage. In this context - the birth of a prince, sign of the God
      • There would be a Virgin Birth in the lineage of David
      • Ch 7 Isaiah - the sign of an extraordinary birth is announced - the one born will be known as Immanuel. (God with us)
        • In the NT, the incarnation of Jesus was fully "God with us" showing a sign that the Davidic family would continue.
      • Isaiah 11: The King will be empowered by the HS to bring about universal changes in all creation
    • Applications and Conclusions
      • Written to inform readers JC was born into this world supernaturally.
      • If the child born of Mary is who they say he is, he deserves our devotion.
      • God has visited this planet in order to redeem people from their sins.
        • Began with the Virgin Birth. If this was not supernatural, then God's plan would not have worked.
    • Cultural Aspects of the Story
      • Marriage
        • Joseph and Mary were engaged to be married (betrothed)
          • They waited for a period of about a year before they actually consummated their marriage to show that the pair remained pure until they were united.
            • If there was a violation (which was the case at the beginning), then it would take a divorce to end the marriage/engagement.
      • Importance of Dreams
        • Act of Divine Revelation
        • Dreams given to Israel in the Bible usually have verbal revelation at the centre.
          • Dreams that concern the nation are often symbolic and require an interpreter, usually Hebrew (I.E Joseph)
        • The dreams at the birth of Jesus are clearly revelation.
          • They are not ordinary dreams - they bring about a clear word from God. People knew about such things because the OT had a good number of them in revelation of God's programme.
    • The Meaning of Names
      • Jesus similar to OT name Joshua - "to save" (also applicable for Hosea and Isaiah)
        • Jesus - "The Lord saves"/"He saves"  - "for he shall save people from their sins"
          • OT use of "to save" used for physical deliverance - saved from enemies, oppression death.
          • Also used in a sense of Salvation from sin
      • Christos - Greek translation of the Hebrew word "Mashiah" which means "anointed one"
        • Indicating that  Jesus is the anointed King, the promised Messiah.


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