education and material deprivation

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  • material deprivation
    • housing
      • a child's accommodation can affect the directly and indirectly
        • directly: overcrowding can cause a disturbed sleep as well as there would be no where to study  resulting in  little tie reading and doing homework. as well as it could effect their routine making it difficult for them to adapt to situations
        • indirectly: overcrowded homes could cause accidents as well as damp houses can cause  Illnesses and temporary housing can cause a child to become distressed
      • being in care can affect achievement
        • only 11% of children in care gained 5 A+- c in their GCSE's
    • health and diet
      • children from low income houses normally have behavioural and emotional problems as well as distress from moving around frequently
      • Marilyn Howard (2001)
        • children had a lack of nutrition which affects their health making them miss days off school from illness
      • Richard Wilkinson (1996)
        • found that children in lower class families have disorders of hyperactivity, anxiety and conduct which could negatively affect their achievement
    • financial support
      • children with low income families have a lack of resources and miss out on experiences
      • Emily tanner et al (2003)
        • found that children would have to rely on hand-me-downs and cheaper equipment resulting in them being bullied
      • Flaherty
        • 20% of children don't take up the offer of free school meals because they believe it'll cause more bullying
    • the cost of education
      • working class children are more likely to drop out of university.
      • 50% of working class student would more likely to have a job to cover the debt  than middle class students which could disrupt their study's
    • comparison with cultural deprivation and cultural capital
      • cultural and material deprivation could be improved by government funded things
      • affects achievement rather than family income
      • a child can succeed even with a low family income


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