Mass, weight and centre of mass

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  • Mass, weight and centre of mass
    • Experiment to find the centre of mass of an irregular object: (uniform density but irregular cross section) 1) Hang it freely from a point using string and clip 2) Draw a vertical line down from point of suspension and use a plumb bob to get line exactly vertical and increase precision of result. A plumb bob is a weight on a string. If line is not vertical this is a source of uncertainty. 3) Hang from a different point 4) Draw another vertical line 5) The COM is where the two lines cross
      • How high the centre of mass is tells you how stable the object is
        • Low centre of mass and wide base area means more stable object
          • The higher the centre of mass, and smaller the base area, the less stable
            • An object will topple if a vertical line drawn down from COM falls outside its base area.
  • W=mg, m=200kg and m=200kg on earth then W=1962N on Earth. On moon, mass=200 and weight=320N
    • Centre of mass: the point where the whole weight of the object acts through
      • You don't weigh the same on the earth and the moon
        • W=mg so m=W/g
          • Mass does not depend on gravitational field strength
            • Acceleration due to gravity is different on the earth and the moon


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