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  • Mary's Reign
    • Wyatts Rebellion
      • Wyatt succeeded in raising 3000 men, a number of royal troops deserted to the rebels, the elderly Duke of Norfolk could not stop rebels
      • Waited for the rebels in London, showing great skill and courage, rousing speed to Londoners (1st Feb 1554) gained their support, The feeling to put her on the throne was stronger than the opposition
    • Religion
      • Many Protestants were burned at the stake, which increased Protestant popularity as many turned against Mary
      • Catholicism restored so Pope was Head of Church again, emphasis was placed on better training and supervision with expected standards laid down and controlled
    • Finance
      • Some policies failed to implement due to serious social and econ problems at time, death prevented her from implementing most
      • Mary drew up plans for a full scale re coinage that would have ended debasement, revenue from Crown lands increase, Book of Rates (1558) improved revenue from customs, revenue collection more efficient as it was annexed to the Exchequer
    • Foreign Policy
      • The loss of Calais (1 Jan 1558) was a huge blow to morale and economic loss, as well as proving anti-Spanish fears, marriage treat broke, Northumberlands good work (Treaty of Boulogne) was undone
      • War provided chance to unite divided realm, Eng Navy was significantly built up, foundations laid for Elizabethan military system, Battle of St Quentin (10 August 1557)
    • Marriage with Philip
      • Marriage treaty was favourable to the English, Army was built up, a strong Hasburg-English alliance set up
      • Widespread opposition to the marriage (Wyatts Rebellion), no heir was produced, Eng were dragged into a war


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