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  • marriage and divorce
    • UK
      • marriage
        • number of marriages taking place has decreased over the last 40 years
        • some non religious people believe that marriage is unnecessary
        • some people are having children without getting married
        • people are getting married later in life
        • same sex marriage is now legal
      • divorce
        • many religious people try to avoid divorce as much as possible
        • some argue that arguments between parents could be worse for children to experience than divorce
        • divorce rates have been increasing over the last 60 years - non-religious people see it as a sensible thing to do it the couple don't get on, and they will be happier with a divorce
      • cohabitation
        • it is more common for people to cohabit before or instead of getting married and it is more accepted
        • cohabiting couples don't have the same legal rights as married couples
        • 60% marriages preceded by cohabitation and cohabitation couples have risen by 25% between 2008-2018
    • Christianity
      • marriage
        • reflects the union of Jesus with his followers
        • marriage is a covenant between 2 people to offer love, commitment and support and to have children
        • most Christians believe that polygamy is wrong
        • one unit - "one flesh"
          • separating would be very painful
      • same-sex marriage
        • some Church of England clergy hold blessings for same-sex couples after they marry in civil ceremonies
        • Anglican supporters say that Christians should be loving to all and support anyone who wants to marry
        • members of the congregation tend to be more in favour of same-sex marriage
        • the decision to legalise it was criticised by the Catholic Church and the Church of Enland. many members of the clergy are against it
          • "The Church of England affirms, according to our Lord's teaching, that marriage is ... a union...of one man with a woman"
        • some members of the Anglican Chirch say it is a sin
      • cohabitation
        • Catholic church is against it due to sex outside of marriage
        • many accept it as a preparation for marriage - encouragd to marry eventually
    • Islam
      • marriage
        • Allah's will. Marriage was half of a Muslim's faith
        • "marry the unmarried among you"
        • "he created for you ... mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and he placed between you affection"
        • "do not marry only for a person's look; their beauty might become the cause of their moral decline"
        • marry people of the same religion and for mutul love
        • marriage is recommended since it provides companionship and love and stability and a stable environment to raise kids
        • Some Muslims believe that the Qu'ran allows polygamy as long as the husband can treat all of his wives equally but in the UK polygamy is banned and people believe that it is sexist
      • same-sex marriage
        • some argue that homosexuality is normal and it is good for them to have the chance to marry, as marriage is important in Islam
        • since Muslims are a minority they should help out another minority by supporting same-sex marriage
        • civil partnerships gave same-sex couples equal rights anyway - not necessary
        • same-sex marriage undermines the definition of marriage between a man and a woman
      • cohabitation
        • isn't accepted since it involves sex outside of marriage


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