
  • Created by: Tierney
  • Created on: 04-12-12 10:03
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  • Maintenance
    • Social Exchange Theory:- THEIBAUT & KELLEY 1959
      • Profit and Loss
        • -All social behaviour is a series of exchanges. -Individuals attempt to MAXimise rewards and MINImise costs.
          • -Rewards = comfort, care, sex and finacial support + Costs= effort, finance
            • Reward - Cost = Outcome (Either a Profit or/ Loss
      • Comparison Level
        • In order to judge whether one person offers something better or worse than we expect, we compare them to previous relationship.
          • We also weigh up rewards from different partner minus cost of leaving the current one.
            • If profit exceeds our CL = happy & stay with partner
    • Equity Theory:- WALSTER ET AL 1978
        • We strive to acheive fairness and become distressed if relationship seems unfair.
          • = 1) People who give alot but receive little & 2) People who receive a lot and give little
      • Inputs:Outputs
        • Each partner can contribute different amounts but it's is about their PERCEPTION.
          • Equity DOESN'T mean equality..-> explained by a persons subjective analysis of the ratio of inputs and outputs for each partner
          • If we perceive inequality we try restore the relationship by changing our inputs, demands or our perception OR whether to end relationship
  • We strive to acheive fairness and become distressed if relationship seems unfair.
    • = 1) People who give alot but receive little & 2) People who receive a lot and give little
  • Each partner can contribute different amounts but it's is about their PERCEPTION.
    • Equity DOESN'T mean equality..-> explained by a persons subjective analysis of the ratio of inputs and outputs for each partner
    • If we perceive inequality we try restore the relationship by changing our inputs, demands or our perception OR whether to end relationship
  • Why women stay in abusuive relationships.. RUSBULT & MARTSZ- argues that when investments are high (finacial security/children) and then low (no money or house) = This is considered a profit so women stay in such relationships.
  • Equity = an insufficient theory. RAGSDALE & BRANDAU-BROWN:- rejected the claim that equity is a key determinant of relationship satisfaction. They argue that it represents 'an incomplete theory in which married people bahave with respect to each other' THEREFORE it is deemed an insufficient to explain marital maintenance.


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