macmillan as PM

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  • macmillan as PM
    • Macmillian succeeded eden as MP.Macmillan’s main rival was butler. But butler was not as popular in the party as he was in the country.
      • His reputation had been damaged by introducing 134 million tax cuts before the 1955 election which then had to be reversed after the election as the economy overheated.
        • Macmillan was seen as the safe option
    • Economic prosperity continued to gain the approval of the voters and for 5 years he appeared to be in full control of affairs. In 1959 Macmillan called a general election.
      • By now his nickname was supermac and he led the tories to a majority victory of 100 seats. Tories won 365 seats and 48.8% and labour won 258 seats and 44.6% of the vote.
    • The post-war boom was continuing. The labour party was divided and increasingly occupied with their own civil war


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