The Character of Macduff

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  • Macduff
    • Emotional
      • Macduff is emotionally affected by the news of his family's murder as he repeatedly asks questions, such as "My children killed too?", "My wife killed too?" and "All my pretty ones? Did you say all?"
      • When talking about the grief of the murder of his family, Macduff says he must "feel it like a man" which shows his ability to show emotion as a part of his masculinity but also contrasts with Macbeth's idea of masculinity
      • When Macduff finds Duncan's dead body, he says "O horror! Horror! Horror!" which shows that he is devastated by Duncan's death but also shows how he is loyal to his king and country
    • Patriotic
      • When he goes to England to persuade Malcolm to help, he exclaims "O Scotland, Scotland! which shows how emotional he is about his country
      • When Macduff goes to England, his wife questions it with "Wisdom! To leave his wife, to leave his babes, his mansion and his titles in a place from whence himself does fly?" which suggests that he loves his country more than his family and possessions
    • Noble
      • Rosse describes Macduff to Lady Macduff as "noble, wise, judicious and best knows the fits o' the season" which contrasts to Macbeth's bad character
      • When Malcolm tests Macduff's loyalty, he concludes with "Macduff, this noble passion, child of integrity, hath from my soul wiped the black scruples"
    • A Soldier
      • Macduff wants to avenge the murder of his family and save his country by fighting Macbeth when he says "Front to front bring thou this fiend of Scotland and myself; within my sword's length set him" which shows the he is a strong soldier
      • When fighting Macbeth, Macduff says "I have no words; my voice is in my sword" which shows that he is a true soldier


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