Macbeth ACT 4 scenes 1-3

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    • 'for a charm of powerful double, like a hell-both, boil and bubble' witches act 4 scene 1
    • 'answer me' Macbeth act 4, scene 1 => dramatic irony trying to get the power but audience know witches are planning to overthrow him
    • 'APPARITIONan armed head' ... 'a bloody child' ... 'child crowned, with a tree in his hand' (stage directions act 4, scene 1
    • 'then live, Macduff, what need I fear of thee' ... 'but yet I'll make assurance double sure' Macbeth act 4, scene 1=> over confident contradicitinghimself could reflect his indecisivnessthroughout
    • 'when our actions do not, our fears fo make us traitors' Lady Macfuff act 4, scene => basically describing Macbeth
    • 'what's the disease he means' Macduff "tis called the evil' Malcolm act 4,scene 3  =^ metaphor comparing Macbeth to a disease that has infected Scotland


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