
  • Created by: Megan.jd
  • Created on: 06-05-18 17:55
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  • Macbeth
    • Ambitious but easily led astray
      • Strong warrior who fights bravely in battle
      • Ambitious- he will do anything to be king of Scotland-even murder
      • However has a conscience and often doubts whether e is doing the right thing, spends a lot of time feeling guilty
        • Ambitious- he will do anything to be king of Scotland-even murder
      • Easily influenced by others which mean she can be weak
      • The way he speaks reflects his state of mind
        • Asks a lot of questions when he is feeling uncertain or guilty "whence is that knocking/ how is't with me, when every noise appals me?"
        • At the start of the play his language is more certain and confident "stars,hide your fires","i will not yield"
    • He is a brave hero
      • At the beginning of play described as a "valiant" warrior. Rosse compares him to "Bellona's bridegroom" - he is saying that Macbeth is like mars the god of war
      • Macbeth's brave actions impress the king who names him "Thane of Cawdor". This title shows that the King recognizes Macbeths "personal venture" (how bravely he faught) and loyalty
      • He seems more comfortable on the battlefield . When he is fighting he doesn't have to worry about his guilty conscience and the morality of his actions
      • By the end Macbeth has come in a full circle - he has returned to be a brave soldier he was in Act 1. This contrasts with the middle of the play, where he seems weak and uncertain
        • He dies in battle and fights "bear-like" to the end, even though he knows he is doomed. Determined to "try the last" and says that he "will not yield"
    • He is a Brutal Murderer
      • Brave but also a cold and calculated killer . Murders Duncan because he wants to be king and murders Macduff's family and Banquo because he is worries about losing his positions
      • Influenced by people around him, lets Lady M persuade him to kill Duncan because he wants to be king - his ambition is stronger than his morality
      • at the end of the play Macduff calls M a "hell-hound" and young siward calls him "abhorred tyrant"- Macbeths violent ambition has ruined all of him noble characteristics
      • When M says "i am settled and bend up/Each corporal agent to this terrible fear" it sound like he is making a deliberate decision to kill Duncan. Later he says that he didn't have control over his actions because he is just a  "poor player" who is controlled by fate (or he is just trying to make him feel less guilt)
        • Theme of fate and free will
    • He struggles with his conscience
      • String sense of  right and wrong, worries about consequences of his actions because there is "judgement" on earth and "deep damnation" after death. This makes his actions more shocking
      • Reluctant to kill Duncan who has "honored" him and says "we will proceed no further in this business" he sounds confident as if he has and up him mid - Macbeth recognizes that Duncan trusts him as "his kingship" and that as Duncan's "host" he has a duty to protect him
      • Once he has killed Duncan M swings between killing anyone who threatens his position as King and moments of despair where he struggles with terrible guilt
        • Guilty conscience makes him imagine things
          • Immediately after killing Duncan he hears a voice that says "Macbeth does murder sleep"
          • Sees Banquo's ghost as feast and almost gives himself away Lady M things he is hallucinating
          • By the end of the play Macbeth sees world-weary \and cynical - he no longer seems to feel guilty, because he thinks that a persons actions don't matter and that life means "nothing"
    • He is easily infuenced
      • Lady M greatly influences him, he wouldn't have killed Duncan if it wasn't for her. Macbeth acts because he doesn't want to seems unmanly or  a "coward
        • She persuades him to commit the murder by suggesting that he will be "more the man". Throughout the play M and lady m link masculinity with strength and courage
          • Symbolism
      • Lady M influence over M declines after Duncan's murder , the other mufders seem to come more easily to M so he acts alone
      • He is also influenced by supernatural
        • The first time he meets the witches he trusts them straightaway saying "two truths are told". however Banquo is suspicious over them and thinks they want to "win us harm"
        • Sees the dagger that leads him to Duncan's room
        • As witches prophecies begin to come true Ms belief in them increases. he starts to rely more heavily on what they say and panics when their prophecies are fulfilled expectantly
  • Macbeth is AMBITIOUS "I have no spur/ to ***** the sides of my intent but only/ Vaulting ambition" BRAVE "brave Macbeth- well he deserves that name GUILTY "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood/clean from my hand?


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