Lyon: "Jesus in Disneyland."

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  • Lyon: 'Jesus in Disneyland'
    • Postmodern society has several  features that are changing the nature of religion
      • Globalisation
      • Media
      • Consumerism
    • Globalisation
      • As a result there has been a "relocation of ideas."
        • This means that there is increased movement of religious ideas across nations.
      • Definition: The growing interconnectedness of societies which has lead to greatly increased movement of ideas and beliefs across national boundaries.
      • Example
        • A "Harvest day crusade," (a public, evangelical event) held in Disneyland.
          • This is an example of how boundaries between different areas of social life become blurred in post-modern society.
    • The media
      • The media saturate us with images and messages from across the globe , giving us access instant access to previously remote religions.
      • Ideas are "disembedded."
        • The media lifts them out of their local context and moves them to a different place and time.
          • Example: Televangelism relocates religion to the internet and TV, allowing believers to express faith without attending church.
      • Religion becomes "de-institutionalised."
        • Definition: Its signs and images become detached from their place of institution.
        • Religion becomes a cultural resource that believers can adapt for their own purpose.
    • Evaluation
      • Bruce: Consumerist religion is weak religion and believes that it has little affect on the lives of participants which is evidence of secularisation.
      • Research shows that people chose to view programmes that confirm their religious beliefs.
        • Therefore, it is unlikely that religion will attract any new converts through the media.
      • There is much more conclusive evidence of secularisation being the reason for lower church attendance then the "electronic church," idea.
    • Consumerism
      • Post modern society involves the idea that we now construct society based on what we consume.
        • This is now true with religion in the context of the fact that we are now "spiritual shoppers."
          • We can "pick and mix," different elements of different faiths to make them part of our identity.
          • We can choose from religious beliefs  and practices to mean our individual needs from the vast range in the religious market place.
          • Religion has relocated to the "sphere of consumption."
          • Re-enchantment of the world
            • Lyon sees recent decades as a period of re-enchantment with the growth of unconventional practices and beliefs.
              • Although traditional religion has declined in Europe, Lyon points to the growth of non-traditional religions elsewhere.
        • People make conscious choices based on which elements they find useful.
        • One effect of this is the loss of "meta-ethics."
          • Definition: Worldviews that claim to have the absolute, authoritative truth such as traditional religions.)
          • This is because people become sceptical that any of them are really true.
      • Many new movements spring up so that consumers can "sample."


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