
  • Created by: sarahb_
  • Created on: 06-04-18 10:24
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  • London
    • Themes
      • Lack of Power and Abuse of Power
        • 'Manacles'
          • The poem is set in the capital of the most powerful country in the world and yet words like 'manacles' suggest slavery while the soldier sigh 'runs in the blood down palace walls' a clear contrast between those with power and those without.
    • Revolution and People Power
      • During this time France had thrown off and executed their king.
        • The People's revolution was meant to show that all men are equal and have power.
          • In Britain, a country with an old monarchy and aristocracy, this is scary.
        • Perhaps Blake is supporting this with the word 'manacles'.
    • Context
      • William Blake was a poet in Victorian/ Georgian England.
        • He wrote a selection of poems in his anthologies songs of innocence and experience.
          • The experience poems were often more bitter or cynical whereas the innocence poems were often naive and simple.
      • Women had no rights, death rates from disease and malnutrition were high and the industrial revolution has resulted in many large oppressive factories.
      • The poem is set during a time in England where there was poverty, child labour and a horrific war with France.
        • Blake's poem railed against these and how London was arguably the greatest city in the world at that time yet it was dirty and corrupt.
          • Women had no rights, death rates from disease and malnutrition were high and the industrial revolution has resulted in many large oppressive factories.
    • Structure
      • Four stanzas with an regular alternate scheme.
        • This reflects the regular walking pace of the narrator as he walks around London
      • The last line in each stanza delivers a powerful statement which sums up the rest of the stanza
      • Stanza 1 focuses on misery.
        • Stanza 2 focuses on peoples refusal to stand tall.
          • Stanza 3 focuses on the way people are sacrificed for the rich and powerful.
            • Stanza 4 focuses on how all this poverty is corrupting everything good about family and life.
  • The poem is set during a time in England where there was poverty, child labour and a horrific war with France.
    • Blake's poem railed against these and how London was arguably the greatest city in the world at that time yet it was dirty and corrupt.


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