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  • LO4
    • aspects of good practice
      • being non judgemental , respecting the views and choice of people who require care , anti discriminatory practice, valuing diversity, effective communication, following agreed ways of working, training and professional development opportunities for staff
        • mentoring , mointoring and performance management of staff , attending staff meetings to discuss issues
    • being non judgemental= respecting a person's feelings, experiences and values even though they may be different from yours
    • professional development is process of improving and increasing the skills and capabilities of staff
    • monitoring is to measure and check the progress or quality of something over time. Methods of this include observations , inspections or surveys given to the service users
    • performance management is an ongoing process between care worker and their supervisor involving meetings and observations to provide feedback on performance and identifying targets for improvement where appropriate.
    • appropriate action in response to discimination may include reporting it to the relevent authorities and to management , reflecting on your own attitudes or changing your practice and encouraging others to do so
    • methods of challanging discrimination are : at the time: you could explain to the person how they are discriminating , to raise their awareness of what they are doing , enabling them to reflect on their actions,
      • afterwards through procedures:  tell the person to read the organisations policies on equality and diversity for example. Senior staff could be consulted for advice on how to address the issue
      • afterwards through long term campaigns:awareness sessions could be provided for staff on equality , diversity and rights for example
    • whistleblowing involves raising concerns with a senior memeber of staff
    • providing information about complaints procedures and advocacy services enables people to take action over poor treatment and how to do it
    • when dealing with conflct you should remain calm , objective ,emphathetic , see both sides , listen activley and look for solutions


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