Little Albert APRC

  • Created by: kanzxxx
  • Created on: 26-03-19 20:52
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  • Watson and Rayner
    • Aim
      • Watson and Rayner wanted to find out whether a fear response could be conditioned in a child. Would this fear be generalised to other stimuli and would the fear disappear with time?
    • Procedure
      • Albert was 11 months old when he was shown the rat again. As he reached for the rat, an iron bar was struck behind his ear.
        • Session 2 took place five days after session 1. Albert was presented with the rat alone. Then with the noise. After Albert had seen the rat with the noise five times, he began to cry when he saw the rat with no noise being heard.
          • They wanted to see if the fear could be generalised so he was shown a dog, a rabbit and a Santa mask and his building blocks. He enjoyed playing with the blocks but cried at the other stimuli.
            • They wanted to see the effects of time on the conditioning so five days after session 3, Albert was presented with the rat. The crying response was weaker so Albert was conditioned again. Albert was also taken to a theatre lecture room which was well lit like the lab to see if the response to the objects was the same.
    • Results
      • By the 3rd trial Albert was showing a distinct fear of the rat and leaned away from it as soon as it came near him. 5 days after the trail began, Albert would cry at the sight of the rat, contrasting to before conditioning when he would play with him. Stimulus generalisation also occurred as Albert became afraid of other white furry objects. Watson had intended to remove alberts phobia through counter conditioning but Albert was withdrawn from the study before this could be done.
    • Conclusion
      • Watson and Rayner achieved their aim they classical conditioned Alberts to be afraid of the rat and through generalisation became afraid of other objects however a single study is not sufficient evidence upon which to conclude this as we cannot generalise the findings


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