The light dependent reation - photosynthesis

  • Created by: holly2197
  • Created on: 13-05-16 11:12
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  • Light is absorbed by PS II
    • Electrons in the chlorophyll molecule have more energy
      • The electrons are omitted and passed onto electron carriers
        • The loss of electrons causes the photolysis of water
          • The water gives up its electrons to fill in the gap in PS II
        • As the electron passes along the electron carrier, it begins to lose energy
          • This means that energy is released and used to create ATP from ADP and P
            • The electron eventually reaches PS I, where it replaces the electron lost when light gave electrons in the PS energy
              • The electrons lost from PS I also go onto an electron carrier
                • Here, the electrons combine with H+ ions to reduced NADP to NADPH
                  • This is called non-cyclic photophosphorylation
                • If there is plenty of NADPH, then the electrons go back to the electron carriers used in PS II
                  • Here ATP is formed and the electron returns to PS I to fill the space, making PS II redundant and only PS I is in use
                    • This is called cyclic photophosphorylation
    • The light dependent reaction


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