Lifespan changes in sleep

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  • Lifespan changes in sleep
    • Neonates
      • 16 hours sleep per day. 50% REM.
        • In REM, often restless, wither arms and legs and muscles of face moving almost constantly.
    • 1 year olds
      • 13 hours sleep per day. 30-50% REM.
        • Increasingly develop brain activity sleep patterns like an adult's.
          • Toddlers usually take a nap during the day.
    • 5 year olds
      • 11 hours sleep per day. 20-30% REM.
    • Prepubescent. 5-12 year olds
      • 10 hours sleep per day. 25% REM.
        • Sleep deeply.
          • Preteens experience sleep wake utopia - Bursting with energy during day, sleep soundly at night and are wide awake and fully rested when they wake in morning.
    • Young adults. 18-30 year olds
      • 7.75 hours sleep per day. 22% REM.
        • Sleep less than adolescents and not as deeply,
        • 53% suffer from daytime sleepiness.
          • Possibly because of external factors preventing them from getting enough sleep.
    • Middle adults. 30-40 year olds
      • 7 hours sleep per day. 19% REM.
        • Shallowing and shortening of sleep may occur. Increasing signs of fatigue.
        • Decrease in amount of deep stage 4 sleep and may be harder to stay awake and feel refreshed on wakening.
          • May be because consuming more caffeine/alcohol or weight increase
    • Senescence. 60+ year olds
      • 6 hours sleep per day. 10-20% REM.
        • Frequent interruptions and periods of wakefulness.
        • May have sleep apnoea. Stage 3/4 much reduced. Reduced need for growth hormones.
        • May wake earlier.
        • NREM is non-existent in some cases.
  • Often enter REM immediately and not until 3 months old that sequences of REM/NREM is established.
    • In REM, often restless, wither arms and legs and muscles of face moving almost constantly.
  • Each sleep cycle occurring every 45 - 60 mins.
    • Increasingly develop brain activity sleep patterns like an adult's.
      • Toddlers usually take a nap during the day.
  • Brain activity during sleep resembles adult's, but frequency is different.
    • 11 hours sleep per day. 20-30% REM.
    • Sleep disorders may become apparent.
  • Boys sleep slightly longer.
    • Brain activity during sleep resembles adult's, but frequency is different.
      • Sleep disorders may become apparent.
  • Adolescents. 13-17 year olds
    • Lifespan changes in sleep
      • Neonates
        • 16 hours sleep per day. 50% REM.
        • 1 year olds
          • 13 hours sleep per day. 30-50% REM.
          • 5 year olds
            • Prepubescent. 5-12 year olds
              • 10 hours sleep per day. 25% REM.
                • Sleep deeply.
                  • Preteens experience sleep wake utopia - Bursting with energy during day, sleep soundly at night and are wide awake and fully rested when they wake in morning.
            • Young adults. 18-30 year olds
              • 7.75 hours sleep per day. 22% REM.
                • Sleep less than adolescents and not as deeply,
                • 53% suffer from daytime sleepiness.
                  • Possibly because of external factors preventing them from getting enough sleep.
            • Middle adults. 30-40 year olds
              • 7 hours sleep per day. 19% REM.
                • Shallowing and shortening of sleep may occur. Increasing signs of fatigue.
                • Decrease in amount of deep stage 4 sleep and may be harder to stay awake and feel refreshed on wakening.
                  • May be because consuming more caffeine/alcohol or weight increase
            • Senescence. 60+ year olds
              • 6 hours sleep per day. 10-20% REM.
                • Frequent interruptions and periods of wakefulness.
                • May have sleep apnoea. Stage 3/4 much reduced. Reduced need for growth hormones.
                • May wake earlier.
                • NREM is non-existent in some cases.
          • 8.5 hours sleep per day. 20% REM.
            • Sexual and pituitary growth hormones are released during NREM.
              • Sleep quality/quantity doesn't change much but external pressures on teenagers e.g. schoolwork may lead to a less regular cycle.
            • May start to have wet/****** dreams.
        • Late middle age. 45-60 year olds
          • 7 hours sleep per day. 19% REM.
            • Women suffer loss of hormones due to menopause. Men too (andropause) therefore people likely to go to bed earlier.
            • Poorer quality of sleep. Increase in lighter stages of sleep.
              • Men may have to get up in night to urinate more, affecting quality of sleep, due to prostate glands.


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