Life cyle of stars

The life cyle of stars revision notes.

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  • Life cycle of stars
    • stars form when dust and gas gathers together because of gravitational force
      • Nuclear energy release energy to keep the stars hot
        • A star forms when the temperature is hot enough for the hydrogen nuclei to fuse together to make helium
          • The fusion process releases energy which keeps the star core hot.
      • During the stable phrase of a star the force of gravity holding the star is balanced by the high pressure due to high temperatures. IE. The sun is in the stable phrase
      • A star first starts of as a pro-star.
        • When all the Hydrogen has been used up in the fusion process larger nuclei may begin to form and the star can expand to become a red giant.
          • when all the nuclear reactions happen over a small star like our sun, the star may contract under the pull of gravity. This becomes a white dwarf which fades and changes color as it cools.
        • A larger star with more mass will go on making reactions, getting hotter and expanding until it explodes.
          • This creates a supernova which eventually turns into a black hole
    • Nuclear Fission
      • Nuclear fission involves two atomic nuclei joining to make a large nucleus. When this happens energy is released.
        • The sun and other stars use nuclear fission to release energy.
          • Hydrogen nuclei join to form helium nuclei


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