life events

  • Created by: Elyseee
  • Created on: 10-01-21 19:44
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  • life events
    • measuring life events
      • Holmes and Rahe 1967 - link between illness and life events
      • To test idea that life events were linked to stress they developed a way of measuring life changes
      • Took 43 different life events from 5000 patient records, asked 4000 participants to score event based on how much readjustment would be required by the average person
      • ‘Life change unit’ was averaged for each life event
    • research evidence
      • Number of studies utilised SRRS and other versions to measure life events and compare to certain outcomes
      • Rahe et al 1970 - relationship between stress and illness
        • procedures: used version of SRRS called SRE (schedule of recent experiences) to assess 2684 naval personnel on 3 serving US navy cruisers. Participants completed SRE before leaving on tour of duty, during 6-8 months  that followed a record was kept of any illnesses men experienced
        • Findings: data collected showed significant positive correlation of +1.118 between stressful life events measured by SRE and illness. Number of life events increased, more likely it was an individual became ill. Both positive and negative events included in SRRS, appears it is change rather than negativity that is important in creating stress. Overall amount of ‘psychic energy’ required to deal with life events that creates stress


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