Life After Death.

  • Created by: ElloElla
  • Created on: 23-02-16 19:58
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  • Life After Death.
    • John Locke (1632-1704).
      • 1. Used the analogy of the Prince and Pauper.
      • 2. They woke up having swapped bodies but knew who they really were based on their previous existence.
      • 3. This could hypothetically suggest that you could still claim existence even having left your body after death. You could still remember 'being you' prior to death.
      • :) = Swinburne- we can imagine a situation where we can exist without a body and thus it is a coherent concept.
      • :(= Davies- Just because we imagine something doesn't mean it is true.
    • Price.
      • 1. The afterlife could involve discarnate existence.
      • 2. When we dream, we live in a world of mental images and have a sense of having a body.
      • 3. The afterlife may be like this. We do not know we have died.
      • 4. It may not be real but it 'feeling real' is enough.
      • 5. Death is not the end of identity and mental images are made of memories and desires.
      • 6. We may have 'shared worlds'- i.e. heaven.
      • :(= Goes against Christian values as heaven is an illusion.
    • John Hick: Replica Theory.
      • 1. The Body and Soul are inseparable.
      • 2.For there to be life after death, we must replicate, die in one body but live in another.
      • 3. John Smith analogy: John Smith inexplicably disappears from USA and someone the exact same in every way to John Smith appears in India.
      • 4. If he died in the USA and appeared in India we would accept him as being John Smith.
      • 5. The same thing could happen when we die but in a whole new world altogether.
    • Christian Views on Resurrection.
      • Death is not the end of human existence. Each person is judged accordingly by God to decide on their afterlife.
      • In the NT, the resurrection of Jesus is the most important event.
      • St Paul.
        • We all have a soul and a body.
        • In Greek, there are two words for the body. Soma= whole person. Sarx= Matter of body/ flesh.
        • He refers to 1 Corinthians when he says 'flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God'.
      • Thomas Aquinas.
        • Like St Paul, says we are identifiable through both body and soul. However, he says you cannot be identified without both.
        • Soul= 'anima'- it animate our body and makes it live.
        • Unlike Aristotle, Aquinas believes in life after death. The soul is independent of the body.
        • Through the soul's link with a particular body, the soul becomes individual and thus, it needs the body.


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