Lies and Secrecy in An Inspector Calls

  • Created by: XenaP26
  • Created on: 30-04-20 15:42
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  • Lies and Secrecy
    • Priestley's Intentions
      • Priestley shows the audience the deception and secrecy behind the family who would have been respected in society.
      • Priestley highlights that capitalism is deceptive and immoral
    • Characters
      • Gerald
        • Gerald lies about his affair with Daisy Renton telling Sheila, his fiance, that he spent the summer working - in reality he spent it with Eva who he kept as his mistress,
        • Gerald's lie is very significant to the plot of the play - it shows that Sheila and Gerald are very different people but also that Gerald exploited Eva knowing full well he would never reciprocate the affection Eva felt for him.
        • Gerald never cared for Eva but gave her false hope. In a way he lied to himself - he knew he was exploiting her not saving her yet he pretends he was saving her from a life at the palace bar when he uses her in the same way men like Meggart would
        • Early on in the play we see hints that Sheila is suspicious of Gerald's absence in the previous summer.
      • Eric
        • Eric has a drinking problem and chooses not to tell anyone - Sheila however knows - immediately we see his secrecy from his parents suggesting they have poor relationships
        • Eric is one of the most deceptive characters perhaps due to the generational divide resulting in him feeling he has no choice but to keep secrets.
          • Priestley presents neither Mr Birling nor Mrs Birling as good parents. This is because of their focus on respectability and status rather than the well being of their children.
      • Mrs Birling
        • Mrs Birling lies about recognising Eva's photo then she says she got the truth out of Eva - which she didn't. This shows that Mrs Birling wants to avoid saying she refused Eva help based on prejudice so as to avoid public scandal.
        • Mrs Birling accuses Eva of being a liar - saying that she is a girl of that sort so must be. However, Mrs Birling is not exempt from lying.
      • The Inspector
        • The Inspector acts as Priestley's voice to point out the flaws in the family.
        • The Inspector shows the consequences of lies and secrecy and how it had an impact on Eva Smith as well the family's relationships.
    • Key Quotations
      • 'We must stop these silly pretences' - Sheila, A2
        • Sheila is pointing out how damaging the lies and secrecy are to the family. Sheila is intelligent and expresses the change Priestley wants to see in his audience.
      • 'Yes that's what you [Gerald] say' - Sheila A1
        • Sheila is again presented as intelligent - she knows Gerald is being honest and this lack of honesty is clearly causing them to have some issues.
      • 'I got it (the stolen money) from the office' Eric A3
        • Eric reveals the secret that he stole the money suggesting he has chosen to become more honest and realises that lies and secrecy is the worst thing to do.
      • 'You see Gerald, you haven't to know the rest of our crimes and idiocies' - Sheila A3
        • Sheila is clearly upset by her parents unwillingness to change and is pointing out the stupidity that they still want to appear respectable in front of Gerald after the Inspectors revelations.
      • 'I've got to cover this [the stolen money] as soon as I can' - Birling A3
        • Birling still wants to avoid public scandal over being honest - the lack of honesty was one of the things that got them  into the mess.


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