Of mice and men

  • Created by: Cbywater
  • Created on: 17-04-14 09:40
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  • Lennie
    • He is a big man, in contrast to his name.
      • He shares a dream with George to own a piece of land. Lennie's special job would be to tend the rabbits
    • He can be forgetful - George continually has to remind him about important things
  • He has limited intelligence, so he relies on George to look after him. He copies George in everything George does and trusts George completely
    • He is a big man, in contrast to his name.
      • He shares a dream with George to own a piece of land. Lennie's special job would be to tend the rabbits
    • He can be forgetful - George continually has to remind him about important things
  • He likes to pet soft things, like puppies and dead mice. We know this got him into trouble in Weed when he tried to feel a girl's soft red dress: she thought he was going to attack her.
    • He has limited intelligence, so he relies on George to look after him. He copies George in everything George does and trusts George completely
    • He is very gentle and kind, and would never harm anyone or anything deliberately.
      • Lennie
      • He is extremely strong: he can work as well as two men at bucking barley.
        • He likes to pet soft things, like puppies and dead mice. We know this got him into trouble in Weed when he tried to feel a girl's soft red dress: she thought he was going to attack her.
        • He is often described as a child or an animal - he drinks from the pool like a horse and his huge hands are described as paws.
          • George
            • He has been a good friend to Lennie, ever since he promised Lennie's Aunt Clara that he would care for him. He looks after all Lennie's affairs, such as carrying his work card, and tries to steer him out of potential trouble
              • He needs Lennie as a friend, not only because Lennie's strength helps to get them both jobs, but so as not to be lonely. His threats to leave Lennie are not really serious. He is genuinely proud of Lennie.
              • He is honest with people he trusts. For example, he tells Slim that he used to play tricks on Lennie when they were young, but now feels guilty about it as Lennie nearly drowned
                • George
                  • He has been a good friend to Lennie, ever since he promised Lennie's Aunt Clara that he would care for him. He looks after all Lennie's affairs, such as carrying his work card, and tries to steer him out of potential trouble
                    • He needs Lennie as a friend, not only because Lennie's strength helps to get them both jobs, but so as not to be lonely. His threats to leave Lennie are not really serious. He is genuinely proud of Lennie.
                    • He is honest with people he trusts. For example, he tells Slim that he used to play tricks on Lennie when they were young, but now feels guilty about it as Lennie nearly drowned
            • He is a small man, but has brains and a quick wit
              • He shares a dream with Lennie to own a piece of land and is prepared to work hard to build up the money needed to buy it.


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