Lenneberg's Critical Period And The Genie case Study

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  • Eric Lenneberg And The Genie Case Study
    • Critical Period Theory
      • Lenneberg proposed that the first five years of a child's life are the most critical for a child to eventually acquire language
        • Lenneberg believed that in the first few years of life, sufficient social interaction and exposure to language was essential in order to fully acquire language
          • An example of this theory can be seen in the case study of the feral girl 'Genie'
            • Genie was a girl who was raised with minimal social interaction while growing up
              • Genie lived in one room and was physically abused by her father when she made noises
                • Genie had none of the essential social interaction that is required to help a child acquire language succesfully
                  • Because of the lack of interaction, Genie never grasped language. She did not not understand the concept and could not make the noises required
                    • Speech Therapists attempted to improve Genie's language but did not make much of a difference. The damage had already been dealt


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